
When the NYTimes or western media talks about the world, they’re not talking about the world. They’re talking about white people or, at a stretch, the rich.

Indi Samarajiva: The Overwhelming Racism Of COVID Coverage

Geen Frankrijk, laat staan Kameroen.

Hoog in het Noorden daar ligt een stad

Die altijd de sfeer van een dorp heeft gehad

Ralf Poelman: Het gras van het noorderplantsoen


Time to switch systems: 2⁵ looks nicer than 100000.

It's as if I'm to eat.

I am not contento.

Malvina Nassim: Are secret love letters really anonymous? (video)

Carbon Surprises.

In a sense, the few Bitcoin transactions I have done last year may have ended up corresponding to several hundred kilos of CO2e on their own. I would never have guessed.

a3nm: Estimating carbon footprints: what is 1 ton of CO2e?