
Suppose that before the quinoa is cooked, the water fills its volume completely. However, after cooking, the water is absorbed into the quinoa and forced to share its packing fraction. The quinoa stays at the same packing fraction before and after cooking, so the water must be responsible for the volume growth.

Jonathan Landy: 2 + 1 = 4, by quinoa

DevOps wisdom of the month.

A bus factor of one is still better than zero.


An SEO blogger calls Oatly the new Coke, but do not worry, Hacker News is ready to answer. The internet still works.


However cryptocurrency does not provide any technical answers to the inefficiencies since its entire existence is purely predicated on the appeal as a speculative investment first and not on its efficacy to transmit value.

Stephen Diehl: The Haskell Elephant in the Room


Der Kranich hält den Stein,
des Schlafs sich zu erwehren.
Wer sich dem Schlaf ergibt,
kommt nie zu Gut und Ehren.

Giebellied des Kranichhauses in Otterndorf, zitiert in Wikipedia: Kraniche