
Hmmm; we can't postpone the dirty work any longer. In emergency situations, garbage collection is a necessity. And occasionally, as a ZDD base grows, garbage collection is a nicety, to keep our house in order.

Donald Knuth: bdd15.w

Alles oder Nichts.

I don't ever wanna be anything but everything.

Color Out: Anything but Everything


I write an average of five new programs every week. Poets have to write poems. I have to write computer programs.

The ultimate test of whether I understand something is if I can explain it to a computer. I can say something to you and you’ll nod your head, but I’m not sure that I explained it well. But the computer doesn’t nod its head. It repeats back exactly what I tell it. In most of life, you can bluff, but not with computers.

Donald Knuth in Quanta Magazine: The Computer Scientist Who Can’t Stop Telling Stories

Them like that.

You can love somebody without it being like that.

You keep them a stranger, a stranger who's a friend.

Truman Capote: Breakfast at Tiffany's

The hard part is to choose.

There are infinitely many kinds of beautiful lives.

Maria Popova: Figuring