Dr. Täuber was punished for exerting her academic freedom. The same court that allowed the UG to fire her also made it clear that it was the university’s negative reaction to an essay about her experiences of gender discrimination at the university that “seriously disturbed” their work relationship. Alarming details have also been made public about how the university pressured Dr. Täuber to censor future publications, in order to retain her position.
Reinstate Dr. Täuber, reform complaint procedures, and establish binding protections for academic freedom.
Fellow or Follow.
All things considered, should we get rid of equal opportunity programs? Certainly not. But I think we should forsake the collective delusion that having an equal opportunity program is equivalent to being an equal opportunity employer. The discrepancy between public commitment and actual progress seems to stem largely from the conviction that, if put on paper, diversity will magically result in inclusiveness.
Ambiguous evaluation criteria and the sole dependency on one person for decision making about promotions should be banned.
We do not allow academics to give lectures without having acquired the necessary knowledge and skills – why do we allow academics to manage a diverse workforce without having acquired the necessary knowledge and skills?
Given the potential backlash, I did not take the decision to expose myself through this essay lightly.
Susanne Täuber: Undoing Gender in Academia: Personal Reflections on Equal Opportunity Schemes. In: Journal of Management Studies 2020.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12516
Login TV.
Whoever thought playing a video on a login page to be used every day needs to readjust their definition of usability.
Apples too.
Nobody says they have a windows boyfriend but actually those are all over the place?
Computer science does not get the same fair trial.
Not every little girl that enjoys programming class will aspire to become a programmer. Not every little boy will either. And that’s ok. But we should be showing them that they can do it if they want to. Because maybe if Barbie had been told that she was just as capable as the boys, she wouldn’t think that she needed Steven and Brian in order to make her game design come to life.
Dominique Danco: Beating the bias: Getting girls into programming (warning: medium.com, take this.)