
This widespread policy in business communication made bottom and inline posting so unknown among most users that some of the most popular email programs no longer support the traditional posting style. For example, Microsoft Outlook, AOL, and Yahoo! make it difficult or impossible to indicate which part of a message is the quoted original or do not let users insert comments between parts of the original.

Wikipedia: Posting style

Sagt Luise zumindest.

Esperanto ist dann anscheinend auch keine Lösung.

Du fragst.

Du glaubst du bist schlau,

ich weiß ich bin dumm.

POL1Z1STENS0HN: Herz und Faust und Zwinkerzwinker

CrapGPT by Closed AI.

So for now, you don’t see yourself using ChatGPT’s software?

„Absolutely not. One of the main reasons being that it’s not open AI at all, even though they say it is. You can use this version online, but I can’t download it and use it in other software."

Piek Vossen


“Can I get anyone anything?” is a standard get-out-of-room-quick card and can be played whenever uncomfortable circumstances, ranging from mild embarrassment to major impending doom, are fast approaching. Most cultures have a variation on the “can I get anyone anything,” and they are so obviously rhetorical that they barely merit a question mark.

Eoin Colfer: And Another Thing...