
This leads to AI models that sexualize women regardless of whether they want to be depicted that way, Caliskan says—especially women with identities that have been historically disadvantaged.

Melissa Heikkilä: The viral AI avatar app Lensa undressed me—without my consent

Peak gadgetism.

Oh. Looks like I can play Tetris on my watch now.

Future Prophecies.

  • an intuitive and feature rich theorem prover language. one that both mathematicians with an interest in programming and programmers with an interest in maths can start to use without too much hassle. in 2122 you won't graduate from your maths degree without knowing how to prove theorems with a computer.
  • intuitive and feature rich formal verification frameworks for the major programming languages. in 2122, ADA SPARK will not be your only option for critical software.
  • extensive use and major discoveries regarding homomorphic encryption. many services will be required by law to only process data in this manner. in 2122 fully E2E encrypted applications will offer a wide degree of functionalities that is currently only possible through services which can read you data in the clear.

fickle nest: 3 things for the next 100 years of Computer Science

Entflogen mit einem Bach Präludium.



So if you're only used to one style, see if you can try out the other somewhere. Or at least pay attention and see whether you're talking to someone who follows the other norm. And don't assume that you know which norm is the "right" one; try it the "wrong" way and maybe you'll learn something.

Compass Rose: Wait vs Interrupt Culture