File name of the week:
Pink Venice.
The announcement of the event was spread in the beginning of April 1989, triggering a bitter polemical debate in the following three months, particularly concerning the city's decorum and the fear that the excessive volume of the music could damage its artistic heritage. The Superintendency of Cultural Heritage therefore set a limit of only 60 decibels so as not to damage the Byzantine mosaics of St. Mark's basilica [...]
Six powers of ten should be enough for everyone.
Die Welt braucht keine Milliardäre
Stellt euch vor, wie schön es ohne euch wäre
Empathie und Vernunft, statt Raffgier und Beschiss
Frische Luft, grüne Wälder, saub’re Meere
At least use "-- " please.
Long email signatures are the golden letter seals of the modern age.
Apparently the part of the brain that identified things as funny kept running as a background process even when its contributions were useless.
Neal Stephenson: Seveneves