Let IT Burn.

You pay the fire department with the taxes, not when you call them.

Kaspar J. on Mozilla Bug 994033 - Most StartSSL certs will stay compromised


Fun thing about correcting homework from a diverse crowd: You get to learn many names for the pq formula, the quadratic formula, the abc formula and all their friends.


Er is dus alle reden om Hannekes Boom per fiets, boot, parachute, tram of te voet te bezoeken.

Hannekes Boom: Met de auto

Met drie versnellingen.

Met de nieuwe boeing 747 was Rogier lekker snel thuis. Er zat alleen geen kettingslot bij, dus nu staat het vliegtuig in de gang.

de Speld: Dronken student koopt vliegtuig van junkie


It is impossible to recommend everything and follow all recommendations at the same time.