Worum es geht ist oft weniger wichtig als wie oft es wechselt.
The Spanish-Portuguese wholesale market intervention is a thought-through instrument that has, despite significant drawbacks, merits for the specific context. However, three conditions need to hold to make the intervention work as intended: little interconnection to neighbouring countries, an unconstrained gas market, and only limited forward hedging. In many European countries outside the Iberian Peninsula, none of these prerequisites holds.
To mitigate the impact of high energy prices, targeted measures such as income support (e.g. Bethuyne et al. 2022) are better policies than an intervention in the wholesale market.
The first thing which struck me was "jeez, that's a lot of songs!"
Nico Cartron: Review of Archive's latest album "Calls to Arms & Angels"
Die Menschen sind schlecht und die Welt ist am Arsch
Aber alles wird gut
Achso, da war ja was.