
You should also use “lack of novelty” as a criterion with caution. Almost nothing of value is ever truly new, and many good ideas need repeated reinforcement to catch on. Let’s focus on what the paper contributes to the community, not to the archive of facts.

Edward Lee: The Toxic Culture of Rejection in Computer Science


If nothing else, supporting the Harry Potter franchise arguably works against the values that drew us to it in the first place. Harry Potter wasn’t just a story about brewing potions and turning rabbits into slippers. In spite of some problematic elements it encouraged us to come together against greater evils, and stand up for people less powerful than ourselves.

This latter idea popped up several times in the books. Whether they were house-elves, hippogriffs, half-giants or even the non-magical, Harry and his friends stood up for those who couldn’t fight their own persecution. Ironically, it could now be argued that one way to honour that idea is to reject the franchise that inspired it.

Brick Fanatics: Statement on LEGO Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling


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