All that poop.

When you’re a crowdfunding artist, it shouldn’t matter what your choices are as long as you’re delivering your side of the bargain — the art, the music. It shouldn’t matter whether you’re spending money on guitar picks, rent, printer paper, diapers, college loans, or the special brand of organic absinthe you use to find your late-night muse…. as long as art is making it out the other side and making your patrons happy.

We’re artists, not art factories.

Amanda Palmer: No, I Am Not Crowdfunding This Baby (an open letter to a worried fan)


Indien zij tot vrede overhellen, zult gij mede daartoe neigen.

Quran 8:61

Freudian fate.

It's bricked up in my head, it's shoved under my bed
And I question myself again, "What is it 'bout men?"

Amy Winehouse: What Is It About Men?


You can tell when something is security theater because you need some absurdly specific situation in order for it to be useful.

Adam Langley: No, don't enable revocation checking

In whatever form.

If I die tomorrow
I'd be all right
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on

Dream Theater: The Spirit Carries On