JedeR sollte eine Schwester haben.
Honest Achmed promises to abide by these practices. If he's found not to abide by them, he'll claim it was a one-off slip-up in procedures and that policies have been changed to ensure that it doesn't happen again. If it does happen again, he'll blame it on one of his uncles or maybe his cousin, who still owes him some money for getting the car fixed.
Mozilla Firefox Bug 647959 - Add Honest Achmed's root certificate
You better like me!
Malvin is not dangerous to ingest unless one develops an allergy toward it. An allergy to malvin may result in constipation, severe gas, vomiting or diarrhea when foods containing it are ingested in large amounts.[citation needed]
Danke, Geburtstagskind.
If peace is ever to be secure, there will have to be great changes in education. At present, children are taught to love their country to the exclusion of other countries, and among their countrymen in history those whom they are specially taught to admire are usually those who have shown most skill in killing foreigners. An English child is taught to admire Nelson and Wellington; a French child, to admire Napoleon; and a German child, Barbarossa. These are not among those of the child’s countrymen who have done most for the world. They are those who have served their country in ways that must be forever closed if man is to survive. The conception of Man as one family will have to be taught as carefully as the opposite is now taught. This will not be an easy transition.
Bertrand Russell: A New Approach to Peace