
I looked around the room at my coworkers, wildly searching for eyes filled with the judgment I felt. No one else was thinking, “In my perfect day at some point I’d have an interaction with another human being that wasn’t a stylized power ritual?” No one appeared to be.

I wasn’t on testosterone when that meeting happened.

Maria Catt: Ice Balls


My only thought about the superbowl is my friend watching it and allowing me to stay at his place without asking questions.

Vielleicht Schülerinnen?

Die Geschichte lehrt aber sie hat keine Schüler.

Ingeborg Bachmann


But when the British pack their bags and leave they become Expats, not Immigrants. What a thing! The same process. The same act. But different words.

Kei Miller: If It Looks Like An Immigrant, And It Talks Like An Immigrant…

Alice Schwarzer und Richard Stallman.

Idealerweise sollte mensch sich vor dem Aufstellen einer Analogie auf beiden Seiten bestens auskennen.