
Are programmers biased in terms of spending more time writing code than they do thinking about it?

Yes, the importance of thinking and writing before you code needs to be taught in undergraduate computer science courses and it’s not. And the reason is that there’s no communication between the people who teach programming and the people who teach program verification.

Leslie Lamport

Outsourcing Grownupping.

One of the things that was a huge realization for me was when someone explained why ADHD was thought of as a boy's disorder that you grow out of -

Because the men would be assumed to have both a wife AND a secretary, onto whom they would offload everything ADHD is bad at.



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Lab6 Issue 1

Erdreistaunliche Deutredlichkeit.

Aber weil ich doch irgendeine dunkle Vorstellung habe, die mit dem, was ich suche, von fern her in einiger Verbindung steht, so prägt, wenn ich nur dreist damit den Anfang mache, das Gemüt, während die Rede fortschreitet, in der Notwendigkeit, dem Anfang nun auch ein Ende zu finden, jene verworrene Vorstellung zur völligen Deutlichkeit aus, dergestalt, daß die Erkenntnis zu meinem Erstaunen mit der Periode fertig ist.

Heinrich von Kleist (1805): Über die allmähliche Verfertigung der Gedanken beim Reden


4. An epidemic, in general, comes to an end, before the susceptible population has been exhausted.

William Ogilvy Kermack & A. G. McKendrick (1972): A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics.