
"Freedom!" is the fatuous jingle of our civilization, but only those deprived of it have the bearest inkling re: what the stuff actually is.

Timothy Cavendish in Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell


This song is about orgasms. From the perspective of a werewolf. Who wants to burn down the government.

Petrol Girls

Privacy in a bag.

Zuhause ist dort, wo ich mein Zelt aufbaue.

Flying Words.

Semantics is not particle physics.


What We Want.

I de­s­i­re so much to ima­gi­ne
how it would be
wi­thout this bias n shit n mi­s­trust
just fa­cing each other
as uni­que per­sons
that share joy n re­spect
in equa­li­ty and ex­ci­te­ment

feministischefetzen - To most of the men* I slept with (second thoughts)