Sharing is Caring.

I only lend books to someone if I like them. And the person.

Sysadmin Oath.

I am hired because I know what I am doing, not because I will do whatever I am told is a good idea. This might cost me bonuses, raises, promotions, and may even label me as "undesirable" by places I don't want to work at anyway, but I don't care. I will not compromise my own principles and judgement without putting up a fight. Of course, I won't always win, and I will sometimes be forced to do things I don't agree with, but if I am my objections will be known, and if I am shown to be right and problems later develop, I will shout "I told you so!" repeatedly, laugh hysterically, and do a small dance or jig as appropriate to my heritage.

someone called Abigail, probably

Not my list.

Die Beschäftigungschancen, die Qualität der Arbeit, die Gesundheit, die Erziehung und die Möglichkeit, mit der Zeit reich zu werden, sind wesentlich für das Wohlbefinden der Menschen.

José Ángel Gurría (OECD-Generalsekretär)

If You Wait.

[...] we develop an interest in, for example, Buddhist thought, or cycle riding or a new album by London Grammar.

Philosophers' Mail - Sex: a celebration

Flying Low.

The bees have no words for "up" in their language. There are no flowers in the clouds.

Karl von Frish

(thx! @ kit)