
The air next to a busy road smells noticeably fresh when wearing this, making one realize how bad pollution in cities is and that cars with internal combustion engines should probably be banned sooner rather than later.

Jan Schejbal: 3M Jupiter PAPR alternative battery / USB power supply

The Dining List Problem.

Für ein paar Likes, bunte Farben, alles gratis.

Ich sitz in der Bahn mit nem Vierkernprozessor
Und scroll durch die Werbung auf Insta und Twitter

Systemabsturz: Netzkater

Contra Chrome.

The important part is: You are not powerless.

Much like our choice of groceries in the supermarket has a direct impact on the environment, our choice of a browser has a direct impact on democracy — as odd as this may sound.

leah: Contra Chrome (page 23)


Some artists will benchmark your utf8 support: [...] Horrible edge cases to consider when dealing with music