
And suddenly the penis-count is raised by a movie so much about lesbians that it would probably fail a reversed bechtel test.

Keep out.

USA. Plz. Stahp.


The mul­ti­pli­ci­ty of sto­ries is just li­mi­ted by ima­gi­na­ti­on.

feministische fetzen

As if I was human.

As much as I’d like
The past not to exist
It still does
And as much as I’d like
To feel like I belong here
I’m just as scared as you

Evanescence - Lost In Paradise

Kräuterschnaps und Rauch.

Sich an einem Ort länger nieder zu lassen bringt trotz allem den unglaublichen Vorteil (andere) Reisende bei sich aufnehmen zu können.