Kräuterschnaps und Rauch.

Sich an einem Ort länger nieder zu lassen bringt trotz allem den unglaublichen Vorteil (andere) Reisende bei sich aufnehmen zu können.

Delayed Assembler.

Sentences including "real-time Java" also make a lot of sense if you replace it with "stupid but hilarious idea".

IT's magic.

Our approach in this paper is not only constructive, but we consider it to be procedural as well. In the context of fair division, we view a procedure as featuring the following characteristics: it is intuitive, meaning that each step must be easy to understand; it is plausible, meaning that each step must be simple to argue; and it is manageable, meaning that each step must be straightforward to compute. We see these subjective criteria as relevant for the practical implementation of a fair-division outcome, in particular when parties in real life prefer to establish fairness by themselves, rather than trust the ‘‘magic’’ of a computer algorithm.

Claus-Jochen Haake, Matthias G. Raith, and Francis Edward Su. Bidding for envy-freeness: a procedural approach to n-player fair-division problems.
In: Social Choice and Welfare, 19(4):723–749, 2002.

One should only move in with fair division logicians.

However, solutions may include situations in which a housemate is being paid by the others to live there. Thus allowing this possibility may not be realistic because in real life, paying housemates are more likely to ditch the subsidized housemate and use the extra room (and extra money) in other ways.

Francis Edward Su: Rental Harmony: Sperner's Lemma in Fair Division

Swipe Away Creativity.

Die "Entwicklung" vom Tastenblock zum Touchscrenn zeigt in die gleiche Richtung wie die vom symmetrischen Telefon zum asymmetrischen Internetzugang: Kommunikationsgeräte werden zu Konsumgeräten.