
An awareness of the history of p-values might help deflate their swollen stature and encourage more judicious use. We were surprised to learn, in the course of writing this article, that the p < 0.05 cutoff was established as a competitive response to a disagreement over book royalties between two foundational statisticians. In the early 1920s, Kendall Pearson, whose income depended on the sale of extensive statistical tables, was unwilling to allow Ronald A. Fisher to use them in his new book. To work around this barrier, Fisher created a method of inference based on only two values: p-values of 0.05 and 0.01 (Hurlbert and Lombardi, 2009). Fisher himself later admitted that Pearson's more continuous method of inference was better than his binary approach: “no scientific worker has a fixed level of significance at which from year to year, and in all circumstances, he rejects [null] hypotheses; he rather gives his mind to each particular case in the light of his evidence and ideas” (Hurlbert and Lombardi, 2009: 316). A fair interpretation of this history is that we use p-values at least in part because a statistician from the 1920s was afraid that sharing his work would undermine his income (Hurlbert and Lombardi, 2009). Following Fischer, we recommend that authors report p-values and refrain from emphasizing thresholds. This will allow us to more easily interpret evidence on a continuum and in the context of previous findings.

Goldfarb & King (2015): Scientific apophenia in strategic management research: Significance tests & mistaken inference

Aus den Takten.

Of the New Day is a song of rebirth, emerging from darkness. It sounds deceptively simple, a recognisably atypical Porcupine Tree ballad. That is until you realise that the length of the bars is constantly changing, flipping between bars of regular 4/4 time to 3/4, to 5/4 to 6/4, 11/4, so that the track never settles into any steady time. It’s what PT can sometimes do really well, come up with a basic idea that’s almost intellectual or mathematical, but carry it off in a way that sounds completely natural and accessible.

Steven Wilson


I am annoyed by gaps, misalignments, holes and other mess more often than it is of any use to care about.


The Board of the Dutch Association for Logic and Philosophy of the Exact Sciences (VvL) unconditionally condemns the military aggression by Russia in Ukraine. We stand up against the blatant attack of the Russian government against a sovereign state, against democracy and against innocent people. In these difficult times we express our full solidarity and support to our Ukrainian colleagues.

Het bestuur van de Vereniging voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte van de Exacte Wetenschappen (VvL) veroordeelt de militaire agressie van Rusland in Oekraïne onvoorwaardelijk. Wij staan op tegen de brute aanval van de Russische regering op een soevereine staat, op de democratie en op onschuldige mensen. In deze moeilijke tijden betuigen we onze volledige solidariteit en steun aan onze Oekraïense collega's.

VvL: Statement on the War in Ukraine / Verklaring met betrekking tot oorlog in Oekraïne

Strange strangeness.

Strange world, strange symbols.