Particularly Subjective.

I used to get annoyed in abstract discussions to hear men tell me: “You think such and such a thing because you’re a woman.” But I know my only defense is to answer, “I think it because it is true,” thereby eliminating my subjectivity; it was out of the question to answer, “And you think the contrary because you are a man,” because it is understood that being a man is not a particularity;

Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex

Not only speakers.

Life is to short for using bad headphones.

UPC - Uploading Packets Cautiously.

Es wurden Anhaltspunkte für eine Beeinträchtigung des Uploads durch ihren Anbieter erkannt.


Good Reading Modulo Arrogant Leading.

Yet home need not always be a place. It can be a territory, a relationship, a craft, a way of expression.

Gianpiero Petriglieri


Leben und Lernen entsteht zwischen Chaos und Ordnung – nicht aber in der heute allgegenwärtigen Kontrolle.

Dominik Werner