Neuroeconomics uses knowledge about brain mechanisms to inform economic analysis, and roots economics in biology. It opens up the "black box" of the brain, much as organizational economics adds detail to the theory of the firm.
N€uro $cien©e.
Waurm sollten wir uns nicht auch mal darüber freuen dass etwas auf den Tag genau seit soundsoviel Jahren vorbei ist?
Travelling Circus.
The European Parliament is the only assembly in the world with more than one meeting place and one of the few that does not have the power to decide its own location.
Let us not forget that it was only a few years ago when those who spoke about green energy and climate change were considered peculiar. Now it is widely accepted that an environmental disaster is upon us. There was once a time when people bought and sold other human beings as if they were mere chattels, things. But people eventually came to their senses. So it will be the case for nuclear arms, sooner or later.