And when may one blog about it?

What is the policy to whom you may write on their birthday when you barely know each other?


He was of an age where it was never possible to pursue one errand at a time. He must do many at once. He guessed that people who had lived right and arranged things properly must have it all rigged so that all of their quests ran in parallel, and reinforced and supported one another just so. They gained reputations as conjurors. Others found their errands running at cross purposes and were never able to do anything; they ended up seeming mad, or else perceived the futility of what they were doing and gave up, or turned to drink. Daniel was not yet certain which category he was in, but he suspected he’d find out soon enough.

Neal Stephenson: The System of the World


That merely glimpsing three good wooden boxes on a baggage-wain could lead to such broodings made Daniel wonder that he could get out of bed in the morning. Once, he had feared that old age would bring senility; now, he was certain it would slowly paralyze him by encumbering each tiny thing with all sorts of significations.

Neal Stephenson: The System of the World

Zeichen 277.1 StVO 2020.

Manchmal gibt es Innovation wo sie keine:r mehr erwartet hätte. In der Deutschen Straßenverkehrsordnung!

Ausgang Null.

Blog zero is easier than inbox zero.