
Ab wann ist ein Sammelsurium eigentlich ein Brimborium?

The good and small life.

Caroline-letters tended to be full of talk about trees she had climbed, squirrels who had admitted her into their circle of trust, boys who had disgusted her, chess-games she had played via post against Leibniz, dreadful books she’d studied, wonderful books she’d read, the weather, logarithms, and timeless disputes among domestic animals.

Neal Stephenson: The Confusion


If the only way to understand anything, would be to understand everything, then we could understand nothing.

Samson Abramsky


Alles Gute und Geschummelte!

Natural Growth.

There was no helping it. To a child, nothing seemed more stupid in adults than their inability to come to grips with the fact that people grew.

Neal Stephenson: The Confusion