'Cause it feels like
You've gotta be in my life
And it feels like
Nobody knows the truth
Only me and you
It's not over
Just(.) Not Yet.
A: You're a genius.
B: No, I just know some shit about stuff.
A: That is a pretty accurate definition of genius.
Abkürzungen sind der Sadomasochismus [gegenüber / (in) der] Sprache.
No fourth time ever came.
Three times I tried to be with you.
The first time you didn’t want to know,
the second time you didn’t even write,
and then on the third time I blew my mind all against the wall.
Vielleicht war es ja auch ganz gut sich nicht so oft (alleine) zu sehen.
Am Ende hätte sich noch eineR von beiden verliebt.