Cycle of(f) Love.

I went out bicycling one afternoon and, suddenly, as I was riding along a country road, I realized that I no longer loved Alys


Or even multiple.

Better that I break the window
Than him or her or me

Fiona Apple

That Heavy Love.

My private life is an inside joke
No one will explain it to me

Bright Eyes: Shell Games


A couple may form, as the Brownings did, a mutual admiration society. It is very pleasant to have someone at hand who is sure to praise your work, whether it deserves it or not. And Browning undoubtedly felt that he was a fine, manly fellow when he denounced Fitzgerald in no measured terms for having dared not to admire Aurora Leigh. I cannot feel that this complete suspension of the critical faculty on both sides is really admirable.

Bertrand Russell

[links and bold by M.G.]

God and Devil must have worked as one together.

Do you know what it is to feel the light of love inside you
When all the darkness falls away?
If you feel the way I feel then I believe we have the answer
That I've been searching for tonight

Dave Matthews