By comparing the two groups of participants, we found that a single night of sleep deprivation leads to a reduction of 50% in the quality of the implementations. There is important evidence that the developers' engagement and their prowess to apply TFD are negatively impacted. Our results also show that sleep-deprived developers make more fixes to syntactic mistakes in the source code.
Schlagwort: Arbeit
Sleeptax Error.
Let them code.
Perhaps it’s the fact that the best developers I know are easy to get along with, good listeners, and generally pleasant to work with. Hence, when a manager or executive asks them to run a huge project they take it as a challenge and a compliment. It’s not until 10 months later when they’ve lost their ability to write a while loop that they realize they may have made a mistake.
Rob Walling: Why Good Developers are Promoted into Unhappiness
And to myself, a tiny bit.
Good luck success to all of you!
Exployment Rate.
So don't tell me about low levels of unemployment.
You're counting the wrong things.
You're not counting dignity of people.
You're counting exploited people.
Wenn die Leute wie Maschinen nur noch für die Arbeit leben.
Su Kramer: Nehmt euch doch einmal in die Arme
featured in Dendemann: Menschine