Schlagwort: Beziehungen


The only luck bigger than friends are compatible friends.

Hugs for any n.

And now, everyone in a two-body problem, give your partner a hug. Their life is tough!

 Math, Chocolate and Circus: Two sides of the two-body problem.

Crucial Cruel Circumstance.

Wir sind nicht dafür geschaffen uns zu belügen
Und 48 Stunden können allen, aber nicht uns genügen

Kettcar: 48 Stunden

Knowing is Antisymmetric.

It was a highly asymmetric relationship: A had never even visited B, had no idea of their home, their family, their stuffed animals and posters, their life.

Past, meet Future. Future, meet Past.

How did we end up with "ex" being a sufficient way to talk about or introduce someone?