Schlagwort: Demokratie

Sei neidisch, geh wählen.

Die Eifersucht ist eine Tugend der Demokratien, die sie gegen Tyrannen schützt.

Anatole France: Die Insel der Pinguine


Demokratieverdrossene Nichtwähler gewinnen Wahlen, während engagierte Demokraten mit dem Wählen aufhören. Intellektuelle Zeitungen arbeiten für die Überwindung des Humanismus, während populistische Schundblätter an den Idealen der Aufklärung festhalten.

Juli Zeh: Leere Herzen


Not bad at all.


In subsequent conversations with fellow Arab leaders, including President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, I learned that they had had very similar discussions with members of the Bush administration. “What happens the day after you remove Saddam?” they had asked. The inability of the administration to give a concrete answer left us all very uncomfortable.

Part of the problem with the Bush administration was its cookie-cutter approach toward the concept of exporting democracy, which basically came down to holding elections. To my mind, developing an effective democracy is a journey. Voting in the absence of a widespread acceptance of democratic values and the existence of an independent judiciary can be a disaster. Democratic institutions are strengthened by the presence of a strong, effective middle class and reputable governing bodies.

King Abdullah II of Jordan: Our Last Best Chance: The Pursuit of Peace in a Time of Peril

Good to know.

First, if it wins the referendum, the Greek government will be empowered by democratic legitimacy, which still, I think, matters in Europe. (And if it doesn’t, we need to know that, too.)

Paul Krugman: Europe’s Moment of Truth