Schlagwort: Dezentralität

Bird Wall.

As a company from eastern Germany, we know that building a wall to try and keep people from leaving isn't a good idea.

Mastodon gGmbH

A right to leave but keep.

There’s no technical reason that Big Tech can’t directly connect to the Fediverse. The ACCESS Act, a proposed US law, would do just that. The EU has passed the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which promises to impose interoperability on giant social media platforms…eventually.

Cory Doctorow: How to Leave Dying Social Media Platforms (without ditching your friends) [warning: Medium, use this]


Hobbies: Telling people about the Fediverse, distributing Fediverse flyers through chimneys and reading books.

Kiwi, the JoinFediverseWiki owl

Keeping (a)live.

We hope this unconventional gesture from the Debian project will help us make this year somewhat less terrible and give us, and thus humanity, better Free Software tooling to approach the future.

Debian donation for Peertube development

Decent enough.

Decentralize until it hurts, then centralize until it works.

the motto of ZeroTier One