Schlagwort: Distopie


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Damn, you know, it’s so easy to get used to life without hyperlinks. You’d think you’d really miss ’em, but you don’t.

Cory Doctorow: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom


Who knows, maybe some woman is reading this in the future and wondering, Ummm. . . well at least dudes weren’t teleporting dicks to your house on a regular basis! This sounds great.

Aziz Ansari: Modern Romance


To be anti-car at the beginning of the twenty-first century is generally seen as irrational, unrealistic – yet what could be more irrational than promoting the unnecessary use of motor vehicles when ample evidence exists that already their emissions have done immense damage? A risk is something one can disregard; with luck all will be well. A certain future disaster, as a result of an avoidable present course of action, can only be disregarded by those whose logical faculties are paralysed.

Dervla Murphy: Silverland (2006)

Routing Against.

We are starting to enter a new era in the digital age: an era where we no longer have the freedom to control the tools that we use in our daily lives.

libreCMC: You no longer own your router.