Schlagwort: Effizienz

Moore's Money.

The impact of having the fastest growing forum software in the world created by an organization whose then-leader was willing to state that he doesn't really care about users who aren't "influential users who spend money", who don't have access to "infinite CPU speed", is that a lot of forums are now inaccessible to people who don't have enough wealth to buy a device with effectively infinite CPU. How web bloat impacts users with slow devices


Maybe 400 emails per week is a problem, not a challenge.

What I wantedit to say.

I want Ctrl+Up for real life conversations.


This is a bout Manny's need for others to know, so that he can use them as tools.

N.K. Jemisin: The City We Became


Productivity per CPU cycle per Watt is the lowest it’s been in decades, and is orders of magnitude (plural) beneath its potential.

Drew DeVault: Following up on "Hello world"