If I had the power to reach into culture and rearrange what and how people learn about relationships, I would be encouraging polyamory as the norm, and monogamy as the advanced, only meant for the most experienced.
Schlagwort: Ehe
For Bergman, connecting is the goal, and it’s not clear that we can do it. It is when Johan and Marianne realize this that they become “citizens of reality,” a loss of innocence from which they cannot recover. Can any marriage survive an honest reckoning with itself? Can you get close enough to any person for life to feel real? These are Bergman’s questions; Levi doesn’t ask them.
Yet, she could not deny that she had her doubts. She was married, true; but if one's husband was always sailing round Cape Horn, was it marriage? If one liked him, was it marriage? If one liked other people, was it marriage? And finally, if one still wished, more than anything in the whole world, to write poetry, was it marriage? She had her doubts.
Virginia Woolf: Orlando: A Biography
Spalte und Ehersche.
Außerdem haben mein Mann und ich feste politische Überzeugungen und sind der Meinung, dass an allem wirklich Schlechten der Kapitalismus schuld ist. Daher lassen wir uns nicht gegeneinander hetzen.
A ring around the finger does not cause a nerve block to the genitals.
Dossie Easton and Catherine Liszt: The Ethical Slut