Schlagwort: Einsamkeit


Learn to love solitude, to be more alone with yourselves. The tragedy of today’s young people is that they try to unite on the basis of carrying out noisy and aggressive actions so as not to feel lonely, and this is a sad thing. The individual must learn from childhood to be on his own, for this doesn’t mean to be lonely: it means to not get bored with oneself, because a person who finds himself bored when he is alone, it seems to me, is a person in danger.

Andrei Tarkovsky on being asked, ‘What would you like to tell young people?’ (via

Turning up like you always do.

I turn the music up, I got my records on
I shut the world outside until the lights come on

Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall


Wer zu wenig Leute trifft, das heißt wirklich trifft, fängt an mit sich selbst zu reden. Oder nachts Zettel zu bekritzeln.

¬Einsam → ...

Only the weak are not lonely.

T. Holopainen