Schlagwort: Essen


One crucial detail here is that commands and subscriptions are data. When you create a command, you do not actually do it. Same with commands in real life. Let’s try it. Eat an entire watermelon in one bite! Did you do it? No! You kept reading before you even thought about buying a tiny watermelon.

Evan Czaplicki: An Introduction to Elm: Effects

Causes animal harm and climate change.

Why is vegan and vegetarian food still a special thing in western supermarkets and needs extra labels and icons? Shouldn't we instead have shock pictures on everything else?

Nobody would want cigarettes next to bubblegum with an extra logo on the latter for "does not cause lung cancer".


Ach, rief sie, das ist kein echtes Kant, das ist nur Kant-Aroma! Natürlich, sagte ich, zu Reis kann man echtes Kant nicht nehmen, es ist zu schwer.

Juli Zeh: Adler und Engel


Seine Beute ist detailliert in den Akten aufgeführt: pfund weise Kaffee, Kekse, Fleisch, Würstchen, Brot, Eier, Milch.

Alexander Krützfeldt ( Über das Leben eines Einsiedlers: Vom Wald in den Knast und zurück


Things I can not temporarily get used to:

  • opening the window to turn down the heating temperature
  • cute warning signs
  • rice for breakfast
  • bowing