Schlagwort: Europa

Equality for All would be Progress for All.

I caught myself thinking/hoping there would not be anything to blog today.

Then I found this.

59 years of generation conflicts.

At 26, Swedish Pirate party deputy, Amelia Andersdotter, is currently the youngest MEP, while 85-year-old French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen is the oldest.


Piran-ha Kisses.


6. Handshake is the norm when you meet someone for the first time. Kissing is only when you really know the person.

So you want to Slovenia? by fbass on

We like to move it, move it. No more.

Im aktuellen Vorstoß des Parlaments wurden vor diesem Hintergrund die Reizworte "Brüssel" und "Straßburg" ausgespart. Stattdessen verlagert sich die Debatte auf den Anspruch, als direkt gewählte Vertretung der EU-Bürger selbst darüber entscheiden zu dürfen, wann und wo es tagt. Kein anderes Parlament der Welt müsse sich das von einer Regierung vorschreiben lassen, argumentieren die Befürworter einer Veränderung.


The Badischer Bahnhof is located on Swiss territory, but due to the 1852 treaty between the Swiss Confederation and the state of Baden (one of the predecessors of today's Germany), the largest part of it (the platforms and the parts of the passenger tunnel that lead to the German/Swiss checkpoint) is treated as an inner-German station and is operated by the Deutsche Bahn. The shops in the station hall, however, are located in Switzerland, and the Swiss franc is used as the official currency there (although the euro is universally accepted).

Wikipedia: Basel Badischer Bahnhof