Schlagwort: Film


As a kid, visiting Chicago was like, well, Katniss visiting the capital.

David Wong: 6 Reasons For Trumps Rise That No One Talks About retitled How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind


You're a chickenshit! Scum of the Earth, son of a bitch!

Lauren against / in The Car (1977)


Time is the single most precious commodity in the universe.

Kalique Abrasax in Jupiter Ascending (2015)


Maar een driehoek is stabieler, heb je in de school niet opgelet?

Tao in Mountains May Depart


There's so much of "place" in the world. There's less time because the time has to be spread extra thin over all the places, like butter. So all the persons say "Hurry up! Let's get going! Pick up the pace! Finish up now!".

Jack in Room (2015)