Schlagwort: Flausch

Fuck the cynicism, let the colours fly.

It's never too late to fall in love with the world

Vylet Pony: Antonymph


Might be harder to tell based purely on colour & smell... for avocados we'd need some sort of a squeeze-o-meter. Like, maybe... AVOKOALADO! A koala who gently hugs your avocado, and when it's perfectly ripe they sing a little avocado song and wiggle their ears. Yeah. That'd work.



Zuhause ist wo man alle Pullis anziehen kann die herumliegen.

I hope he doesn't ruin the party.

Na, schon die Kiste ausgepackt?


Nee, ich steh' niemals wieder auf, ich
halt's nicht aus, es ist so flauschig.

Grossstadtgeflüster: Meine Couch