Schlagwort: Fragen


I have put here some answers to questions that children of various ages (6-96) have asked.

Tim Berners-Lee: Answers for Young People

Which kind is this?

Maybe there are only two kinds of question in the world. The kind they ask in school, where the answer is known in advance; asked not so that anyone will be any the wiser but for other reasons. And then the others, those in the laboratory. Where one does not know the answers, and often not even the question, before one has asked it.

Peter Hoeg: Borderliners


Surprise questions of the day: How do you put MS Word into full-screen mode? Are footnotes on "slides" still readable in the last row of the audience?

Is it good to collect questions?

Reality can change as easily as the way you care to see it. An answer, static in nature as it is, refers to one frozen snapshot of that reality, its value can only go down. today's treasure could be tomorrow's garbage.

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