Schlagwort: Freiheit

Keep out.

USA. Plz. Stahp.

Genau betrachtet egal.

One of the best features of OpenCycleMap: Borders disappear below a certain zoom level.


A Web where you cannot cut and paste text; where your browser can't "Save As..." an image; where the "allowed" uses of saved files are monitored beyond the browser; where JavaScript is sealed away in opaque tombs; and maybe even where we can no longer effectively "View Source" on some sites, is a very different Web from the one we have today. It's a Web where user agents—browsers—must navigate a nest of enforced duties every time they visit a page. It's a place where the next Tim Berners-Lee or Mozilla, if they were building a new browser from scratch, couldn't just look up the details of all the "Web" technologies. They'd have to negotiate and sign compliance agreements with a raft of DRM providers just to be fully standards-compliant and interoperable.

Danny O'Brien / E.F.F.

Freedom from Family.

“But in Europe where—?” he calls after me, as the taxi pulls away from the curb. “I don’t know where,” I call after him, gleefully waving farewell. I am thirty-three, and free at last of my mother and father! For a month. “But how will we know your address?” Joy! Sheer joy! “You won’t!”

Portnoy's Complaint

Read the right stuff.

Books were handed over, to the right–in this case left–people ...

Johan Galtung