Schlagwort: Freiheit

Support, Support and Support.

Geeks aren’t the only people who deserve freedom.

Kyle Ranking ( Free Software Support Is Critical to Its Success


Ich will mich bewegen,

mich und mein Leben

DeFranzy: Cycling is Freedom

Eins, zwei und weg.

Ich hab den Käfig abgebrannt

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter: Wilde Kinder

Dare to laugh.

Eliza laughed out loud, lustily, drawing glares from women who never laughed that way, or at all.

Neal Stephenson: Quicksilver

Auto Nomie.

As cars become more like rolling computers, car manufacturers have been copying tech companies by designing features that let them lock in customers and remotely control car features, muddying the definition of car ownership along the way. Current trends in the automotive industry point to a future with you locked in a remote control car, your vendor holding the remote.

Kyle Rankin (Purism): Locked In A Remote Control Car