Imagine something of your very own
Something you can have and hold
Schlagwort: Freiheit
Gilt auch für Schrauben(zieher).
Wenn ich einen Hammer kaufe gehört er mir und ich will nicht extra (womöglich illegalen) Aufwand treiben müssen nur weil ich meine Nägel nicht auch beim gleichen Baumarkt gekauft habe.
Laptopkaufberatungsmail an eineN FreundIn, September 2014
If I tell people I went offline for a month, it’s like telling them I set up camp on Mars. It hints of apostasy, paganism. Tribes seem to find pleasure in knowing all members suffer equally. But, really, is the situation so dire that we can’t wrangle a little more control? We’ve opted into this baffling baseline of infinite information suck, always-availability. Nobody held a gun to our head. We put our own mouths on the spigot every single day.
Damn, you know, it’s so easy to get used to life without hyperlinks. You’d think you’d really miss ’em, but you don’t.
Negative Freedom is still Freedom.
Set me free from my jealousy
Won't you exorcise my mind?