Some e-mail headers make me sad.
Schlagwort: Freiheit
Das Aggregat hält ihr Herz in Schach
Denn sie will sich auf keinen Fall verlieben
Wenn sie ihr Herz verschenkt
Wird sie Kontrolle verlieren
Und das darf nie wieder passieren
Ich bin draußen!
ein Kind "hinterm" Zaun
[...] how ridiculous and what a scam the individual freedom of “I do what I feel like doing” is. If they truly want to fight the government, the hackers have to give up this fetish. The cause of individual freedom is what prevents them from forming strong groups capable of laying down a real strategy, beyond a series of attacks; it’s also what explains their inability to form ties beyond themselves, their incapacity for becoming a historical force.
Free as in Freedom.
Exactly one year ago I switched from Ubuntu to Debian and never looked back.