Schlagwort: Freizeit

Targets for personalized journal subscriptions.

Dressed in graduation gowns, academic regalia, tuxedos, and formal wear, they embody a sense of disciplined conformity. Their hobbies include academic research, scholarly writing, and intellectual debates, but also excessive gaming, ignoring personal hygiene, and social isolation.


Walking and talking — that seemed a very odd way of spending an afternoon.

Aldous Huxley: Brave New World

Freizeit von.

Dazu gehört eine tarifvertragliche Klarstellung, dass MitarbeiterInnen außerhalb von Arbeitszeiten und Rufbereitschaften nicht erreichbar sein müssen.

Pascal Beucker / über den Tarifvertrag zwischen GDL und DB


An hour spent reading is one stolen from paradise.

Thomas Warton


Is it still procrastination if it is useful?