Schlagwort: FreundInnen

You've got a friends.

I've only liked a handful of people in my life, and you've been two of them.

Hans Axgil in The Danish Girl (2015)

Irrational Friends.

I am friendly with many, but I have few genuine friends. Those who know my secrets and I theirs. Those without a professional agenda underlying our companionship. Those I can sit with in silent comfort, those I can have a conversation with that doesn’t feel like a performance. Those whose presence I actively seek out and whose absence I sincerely note.

Benjamin Percy: Man Camp


My only thought about the superbowl is my friend watching it and allowing me to stay at his place without asking questions.

Everyone should have someone like you.

Selbst in deinem eigenen Haus würde ich dich besuchen wollen.

Besuche verändern Orte.

Die Bank zum Brownies essen.

Der Balkon zum Vögel beobachten.

Die Straße wo sich der VW Bus gut parken lässt.

Der Spielplatz an der Kanalkreuzung wo Jugendgeschichten erzählt werden.