The impact of having the fastest growing forum software in the world created by an organization whose then-leader was willing to state that he doesn't really care about users who aren't "influential users who spend money", who don't have access to "infinite CPU speed", is that a lot of forums are now inaccessible to people who don't have enough wealth to buy a device with effectively infinite CPU.
Schlagwort: Gerechtigkeit
Moore's Money.
Happiness as a function of institutions.
So, the ultimate secret to Finnish happiness is simple but hard to put in practice: Build institutions that truly serve the citizens at large, not just a narrow elite within it.
Länger und länger.
Für so ne Pimmelparty mit bleichen Rentnern waren wir nicht stundenlang im Proberaum
Strange strangeness.
Strange world, strange symbols.
Angebot und Nachfrage.
The housing market is an especially weird one.