Schlagwort: Gerechtigkeit

Schoocial Choice.

Students were told (correctly) that their best strategy was to give their true preferences. If trading were allowed, this would not be true. It would pay off for students to put popular schools high on their list. A spot at these schools would be good trading material.

Ronald de Haan: Why a Dutch court stopped high school students from swapping schools

(warning: link goes to — you might want MMRA)


Hattest du nie, sagt sie, eine Idee von Gerechtigkeit? Nein, sage ich. Von richtig und falsch? Nein, sage ich. Gut und böse? Nein, sage ich. Sind alle Juristen so? Ja, sage ich.

Juli Zeh: Adler und Engel


As a kid, visiting Chicago was like, well, Katniss visiting the capital.

David Wong: 6 Reasons For Trumps Rise That No One Talks About retitled How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind


No more rock stars.

Valerie Aurora, Mary Gardiner, and Leigh Honeywell

Language Games.

The easy thing is not to have a common language but to have a fair and intuitive way to pick one of them.