Schlagwort: Geschlecht

Always use a person’s self-identified pronoun.

The singular “they” is a generic third-person singular pronoun in English. Use of the singular “they” is endorsed as part of APA Style because it is inclusive of all people and helps writers avoid making assumptions about gender. Although usage of the singular “they” was once discouraged in academic writing, many advocacy groups and publishers have accepted and endorsed it, including Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary.


APA Style and Grammar Guidelines: Singular "They"


The Friend refused to answer to the name [...] any longer and ignored or chastised those who insisted on using it. When visitors asked if it was the name of the person they were addressing, the Friend simply quoted Luke 23:3 ("thou sayest it"). Identifying as neither male nor female, the Friend asked not to be referred to with gendered pronouns. Followers respected these wishes, avoiding gender-specific pronouns even in private diaries, and referring only to "the Public Universal Friend" or short forms such as "the Friend" or "P.U.F."

Wikipedia: Public Universal Friend


Fiona, walking to and from the bathroom, was fascinated to see evidence of men and women living and sleeping and bathing together.

Neal Stephenson: The Diamond Age

Who are the users, and who gets used?

Right now, as we’re anticipating the creation of AIs to serve our intimate needs, organise our diaries and care for us, and to do it all for free and without complaint, it’s easy to see how many designers might be more comfortable with those entities having the voices and faces of women. If they were designed male, users might be tempted to treat them as equals, to acknowledge them as human in some way, perhaps even offer them an entry-level salary and a cheeky drink after work.

Laurie Penny: Why do we give robots female names? Because we don’t want to consider their feelings. (2016-04-22)

Outside Man.

The men didn’t catch their little joke. They were clueless. Some things didn’t change.

Edan Lepucki: California