Schlagwort: Gewalltag


I have become a strange thing. I have become a wife.

Gillian Flynn: Gone Girl

Split the Shit.

We need to disentangle that bullshit from whatever it comes up being attached to, over and over again, specifically when we enter situations we haven‘t been in yet or that we haven‘t figured out and ‚cleared‘ from patriarchal misogyny yet.

feministische fetzen: The Magnifying Glass Technique. Gross Close-Ups on Patriarchal Misogyny


No more rock stars.

Valerie Aurora, Mary Gardiner, and Leigh Honeywell

Sexist Sixties.

In the early 1960s, a full 76 percent of women admitted they would be willing to marry someone they didn't love. However, only 35 percent of the men said they would do the same.

Aziz Ansari: Modern Romance

Freund und Helfer.

Frauen und Technik. Zwei Welten prallen aufeinander.

Polizeibeamter in Uniform, zum Zugbegleiter