Schlagwort: Internet


The present moment is one where companies are obscuring the depth of their technical processes to quietly profit off surveillance, oppression, and depression. The future is one where technology is reclaimed by everyone; it is open and welcoming and asking to be built by hand.

Zach Mandeville: The Future Will be Technical: background()

Still waiting for remote hugs.

But she has also decided that the whole thing is bogus. That no matter how good it is, the Metaverse is distorting the way people talk to each other, and she wants no such distortion in her relationships.

Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash


Given all the centralization, it's reassuring to know that forums about everything still exist.


We’ve taken the internet, something that represents a vast commons of decentralized servers and largely replaced it with the equivalent of hanging out in privately owned virtual shopping malls.

nomasters: nonparticipation


Google’s decision to kill Google Reader was a turning point in enabling media to be manipulated by misinformation campaigns. The difference between individuals choosing the feeds they read & companies doing it for you affects all other forms of media.

Anil Dash on Twitter