[...] we dropped support for encrypted-only mails. We urge other mail clients to do the same.
Vincent Breitmoser aka Valodim at K-9 Mail: OpenPGP Considerations, Part II: Encrypted-Only Mails
[...] we dropped support for encrypted-only mails. We urge other mail clients to do the same.
Vincent Breitmoser aka Valodim at K-9 Mail: OpenPGP Considerations, Part II: Encrypted-Only Mails
I think that might be just it – we are not equipped to deal with all the feelings in the world, at all times. It’s good to be informed and to empathize with the suffering of the people who go through war and need our help – and it’s good and necessary to rationalize that empathy into action, it’s good to feel happy about a friend’s promotion, or at least feel a smile at the birth of a niece of a former school colleague – but please, don’t expect me to be plugged into it all the time, to feel everything with the intensity the reaction buttons suggest. I can’t feel for all of you, all the time. And to say otherwise would just be a lie.
Juliana Silva: Limited Stock (In: Immaterial Labour Union zine, Issue #6)
equate social media with labor
Lídia Pereira and Rosie Gram: Immaterial Labour Union Zine, Issue #1
If I tell people I went offline for a month, it’s like telling them I set up camp on Mars. It hints of apostasy, paganism. Tribes seem to find pleasure in knowing all members suffer equally. But, really, is the situation so dire that we can’t wrangle a little more control? We’ve opted into this baffling baseline of infinite information suck, always-availability. Nobody held a gun to our head. We put our own mouths on the spigot every single day.
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